Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hais...My day...

2day...actually...not very happy...but my good ggod friend talk to me then i turn happy...:)

The person is a she...She talks to me and comfort me...She treats me very well...She makes me like going to loved her...Feel like going to say..."I Love You"...She really treats me very well...tAts why i wanted her to be my "state"...hAhaz...hais...she really very the cute lorz...beautiful and good...i really like her...

Hais...Muacks...Love Her...:)

HaHA...anyway...2moro going out to have fun...hahAz...really very the excited...hAhaZ...


Monday, September 3, 2007

My day...

Hais...2day is such a damm stupid sucks lorz...haiszzz...

Cannot go out but only can faced the four white walls...Hais...parents are alwzys like tat one lorz...


HATE THEM>>>>>>>>>.

Campus Superstar2 finally over le...

Campus Superstar2 has just ended last week and the result is not i wanted one...

At First...I thought Benjamin will be the male champion but in the end...Shawn is the male champion...

Then...Keely and Shawn was fighting for the finale Champion but in the end...Shawn is the overall champion lorz...haIz...

Anyway...Congrats to him lorz... Hais...

And...sorry for not reporting the people who had been kick out for so so many weeks cause cannot use the computer...hais...